
RSSI performs complete on-site radiation safety program audits to help you prepare for government inspections.  Our consultants will audit your program for compliance with state and federal requirements and will also check to make sure that you are in compliance with your individual license conditions.  A radiation safety program audit conducted by RSSI can help ensure that workers and the public are protected and that you are prepared for scheduled or surprise inspections.  During the course of the audit, we will provide methods by which you can simplify the management of your radiation safety program as well as make it more cost-effective.  

RSSI checks the following in a standard radiation safety program audit:

  • ALARA program,

  • Radioactive material records,

  • Leak test records,

  • Dosimetry and bioassay records,

  • Contamination survey and monitoring records,

  • Radioactive waste records,

  • Survey meter calibration records,

  • Storage and security,

  • Contamination surveys, and

  • Any other program specific radiation safety issues.

If you would like to have RSSI conduct an audit of your radiation safety program, please contact us.

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